
    I want

    I want the happy faculty of appreciating all that was worthy and lovable in others..

    습관을 변화시키는 방법

    영국 런던대학의 필파 레릴 연구팀에 의하면 사람이 하나의 습관을 형성하는데 평균 66(18~254일)일이 소요됩니다. 습관이란 좋은 행동이던 나쁜 행돈이던 오랜 시간 반복하면 습관이 되어 자동적으로 하게 된다는 것을 말합니다. 이러한 습관을 새롭게 만들거나 나쁜 습관을 고치는데는 단계적인 방법이 필요하며 이러한 방법은 아래의 3단계로 구성됩니다. 1단계 : 자기행동 계약서 (Self Contract)문제가 되는 행동을 얼마나 줄일 것인지 기준을 명확하게 정하고 스스로가 친구들이나 부모, 지인에게 약속을 합니다. 2단계 : 자기기록 (Self Recording)시간대별로 자극하는 환경을 자세하게 기록하고 확인할 수 있는 보고서를 만들어 체크합니다. 자신이 행동을 할때마다 기록을 하게 되면 그것을 객관적으로..

    Cameron Sinclair "A call for open-source architecture"

    Cameron Sinclair "A call for open-source architecture"카메론 싱클레어의 "오픈소스 건축에 관하여" 0:11I'm going to take you on a journey very quickly. To explain the wish, I'm going to have to take you somewhere which many people haven't been, and that's around the world. When I was about 24 years old, Kate Store and myself started an organization to get architects and designers involved in humanitarian work. Not ..

    Majora Carter "Urban revitalization : Greening the ghetto"

    Majora Carter "Urban revitalization : Greening the ghetto"마조라 카터의 "도시 재개발 이야기" 0:12If you're here today -- and I'm very happy that you are -- you've all heard about how sustainable development will save us from ourselves. However, when we're not at TED, we are often told that a real sustainability policy agenda is just not feasible, especially in large, urban areas like New York City. And that's..

    Ken Robinson "Do schools kill creativity"

    Ken Robinson "Do schools kill creativity?"켄 로빈슨의 "학교가 창의력을 죽인다." 0:11Good morning. How are you? (Laughter) It's been great, hasn't it? I've been blown away by the whole thing. In fact, I'm leaving. (Laughter) There have been three themes running through the conference which are relevant to what I want to talk about. One is the extraordinary evidence of human creativity in all of the presentation..

    Al Gore "Averting the climate crisis "

    Al Gore "Averting the climate crisis "앨 고어의"기후 변화 위기를 막으려면" 0:14Thank you so much, Chris. And it's truly a great honor to have the opportunity to come to this stage twice. I'm extremely grateful. I have been blown away by this conference, and I want to thank all of you for the many nice comments about what I had to say the other night. And I say that sincerely, partly because -- (Mock sob) -- I ..

    David Pogue "Simplicity sells"

    David Pogue "Simplicity sells"데이빗 포그의 "단순함이 통한다" 0:14Hello voicemail, my old friend. (Laughter) I've called for tech support again. I ignored my boss' warning. I called on a Monday morning. Now it's evening, and my dinner first grew cold -- and then grew mold. I'm still on hold. I'm listening to the sounds of silence. I don't think you understand. I think your phone lines are unmanned. I punched..

    국내외 무료 자기 개발 사이트 31선

    작성자 : 네이버 퓨처리딩클럽 운영자http://cafe.naver.com/worldtrend/11077 국내 1. 스노우(SNOW,숙명여대) http://www.snow.or.kr2. 서울대 무료온라인 강의 SNUON(스누온) http://snuon.snu.ac.kr/3. 대학공개강의(KOCW) http://www.kocw.net/home/index.do 4. 세바시(한국형 TED) http://www.cbs.co.kr/tv/pgm/cbs15min/5. KBS 강연100도씨 유튜브채널 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FW7FB_7v2UU6. SBS지식나눔콘서트 아이러브인 http://tv.sbs.co.kr/mentor/7. 온라인경력개발센터 http://www.dream.go.k..